Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ah, forgot to mention

A while ago (actually almost a month ago) I got a tablet! <3 So yeah, I'm gonna try to redraw the earlier pages so that they'd be readable...and won't make your eyes bleed! lol ^^;

So yes, my smackjeeves is going through a planned hiatus this time! (and not just a regular one that I go through when I'm just lazy)

At the time of this post, I've already redrawn 11 pages. Unfortunately, I still have like...almost 30 more to go. Hopefully it'll be worth it.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Look forward to improvement (maybe lol)

So I'm not sure how many of you have heard (actually I don't know if anyone actually comes to this blog), but I recently bought a scanner! Well, my dad bought it but I'm the only one who uses it lol.

Anyway, hopefully now my art will slowly improve. I'll also be tweaking the story around a little, because I know that the original plot and dialogue really weren't great. Oh come on people, I was 12, what were you expecting?

Ok, so now all that's be said, here's the latest page (it's on smackjeeves too):

And yes, it's been a long time since I've last updated it. Hopefully I'll be able to get back on track with this when Christmas Break comes. Speaking of which, I should be studying for my exams lol. See ya
Now playing: Paku Romi - Asu he no Basho
via FoxyTunes

Monday, July 28, 2008

Chapter 2!

It's begun!...And it will be finished...eventually!


Saturday, July 26, 2008

How it'll be

Edit: Ok, for those who can't download or something, I've uploaded the pages to Smackjeeves

So I took a poll on dA to see whether or not I should release single pages or full chapters. Um, full chapters is winning right now. 8D It'll be a while before you see another chapter from me lol. Sorry. I have high school now.
Also...once I learn how to get attention to this blog I'll start a poll here too.

P.S. I think I'll still upload the single pages somewhere....

Friday, July 25, 2008

Chapter 1 is Finished!

Click Me

Be warned, this chapter contains art from 2 years ago. You might to blind. :P

I wonder if anyone's gonna get the full joke on the last page.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Chapter 1

Well I'm lazy and have other stuff to do, but here's the badly done cover of this chapter.

Page 4 and Preview:

Anyway, this is pg 4. Be warned that earlier pages have horrible art as they were done one year ago (yes I procrastinated that long, shoot me) . The other pages of the chapter are being edited and toned right now. Also, I have no idea how to tone, so it looks horrible.

If anyone have any critics, (because as you can see, I really need them) give me a note. I have a deviantart too,

Well, hope you at least enjoy the story a little. (Yes the story's bad too, lol)